Posted inUnhoused and Undercounted

The graduation gap hurting homeless students

Nationwide, homeless students graduate from high school at lower rates than average, blunting their opportunities for stable jobs and increasing the risk of continued housing insecurity in adulthood. The gap is often stark: In 18 states, graduation rates for students who experienced homelessness lagged more than 20 percentage points behind the overall rate in both […]

Posted inUnhoused and Undercounted

Facts and figures: The grim numbers on homeless students

A Center for Public Integrity analysis of federal education data suggests roughly 300,000 students entitled to essential rights reserved for homeless students have slipped through the cracks, unidentified by the school districts mandated to help them.  Some 2,400 districts did not report having even one homeless student despite levels of financial need that make those […]

Posted inUnhoused and Undercounted

Schools must help homeless students. Here’s what you should know.

When is a student considered homeless? The definition of homelessness among K-12 students is laid out in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law that details the help public schools must give unstably housed children. That includes students living in the following conditions: More than 75% of children identified as homeless under the McKinney-Vento […]

Posted inUnhoused and Undercounted

What housing instability looks like for parents, students

Public schools are required by federal law to take steps that will help homeless students get an equal education. But what homelessness looks like is broader than families and even some schools realize. The federal definition, for instance, includes children doubling up with extended family out of economic need or living in transitional housing paid […]

Posted inInside Public Integrity

Public Integrity honors founder Charles Lewis with renaming of fellowship 

At a ceremony honoring the career of Center for Public Integrity founder Charles “Chuck” Lewis earlier this month, CEO Paul Cheung announced that Public Integrity was renaming its graduate fellowship to the Charles Lewis American University Fellowship at the Center for Public Integrity. The joint fellowship with American University, currently held by graduate student Ileana […]

Posted inLive Events

Join us: Building a diverse future for investigative news

Update: The recording of the discussion has been posted above. Join the Center for Public Integrity Nov. 2, 2022, at 6:30 pm EDT for a virtual fireside chat featuring Public Integrity Editor Mc Nelly Torres. Nicole Dungca, a Washington Post investigative reporter and incoming president of Asian American Journalists Association, will moderate the chat.  Dungca and […]

Posted inInside Public Integrity

Janelle O’Dea joins Public Integrity as data reporter for local collaborations

Janelle O’Dea is joining the Center for Public Integrity in a newly created data reporter position focused on local news collaborations and capacity-building.  Strengthening the data capabilities of local news organizations, especially in underserved and underrepresented communities is a core tenet to Public Integrity’s mission to confront inequality in the U.S. She joins Public Integrity […]

Posted inInside Public Integrity

Stop the victim narrative, and other tips for covering working-class women

While reporters talk with sources every day, it’s rare that conversation is about the practice of journalism itself. In September, the Center for Public Integrity and Tara Health Foundation hosted conversations about how to make news coverage of working-class women more community centered. Community leaders shared feedback on the harm they’ve seen perpetuated by journalism, […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Will more police solve the nation’s school violence problem?

Columbine High in 1999. Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012. Stoneman Douglas High in 2018. For more than 20 years, some of the nation’s deadliest mass shootings triggered a stock response from the federal government: more funding for law enforcement presence in schools. Across Democratic and Republican administrations, hundreds of millions of dollars have been devoted […]

Posted inWho Counts?

Who Counts?

Our investigation found that 26 states — all controlled by Republicans — have made access to voting and political representation less equal since the 2020 election. We found Jim Crow-era laws that disproportionately keep Black people from voting and other inequities in election and political systems in all 50 states.

Posted inWho Counts?

Texas limits mail voting, adds ID requirements after surge in turnout

Texas has vacillated between occasionally prying open a smidgen of expanded access to the ballot box and then constraining it. It’s a state with a long history of voter intimidation and suppression — recorded since at least 1902, when it enacted an annual poll tax, designed to discourage Mexican-Americans, African Americans and poor whites from […]

Posted inWho Counts?

Ohio votes under ‘extreme’ gerrymandering that favors Republicans

Once a swing state, Ohio has turned solidly red. Extreme gerrymandering of legislative and congressional districts could keep it that way for a long time. Although Republicans control statewide offices such as governor, secretary of state and attorney general, the state is pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. Because of gerrymandering, Republicans boast supermajorities […]

Posted inWho Counts?

In Florida, extreme gerrymandering and people arrested for voting

Days before Florida’s primary this year, a new task force, dubbed  the “election police,” arranged the arrest of 20 people, putting them in handcuffs and loading them into police cruisers.  Their crime? Voting.  In 2018, Florida residents voted overwhelmingly to end the state’s draconian lifetime ban on voting for people who have been convicted of […]