Posted inHarm's Way

Leaving the island: The messy, contentious reality of climate relocation

This article was produced in partnership with Columbia Journalism Investigations, the Center for Public Integrity and Type Investigations. ISLE DE JEAN CHARLES, Louisiana — A sliver is all of this islet that remains above water. What hasn’t slipped into the Gulf of Mexico shows the punishing effects of disastrous climate change: trees killed by saltwater, […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Schools target students with disabilities for discipline ‘too often’

New federal guidelines aimed at reducing high rates of discipline for students with disabilities affirm that schools are responsible for the discriminatory behavior of police and school resource officers on campus. That includes incidents when schools refer students to law enforcement, an action that can lead to school-related arrests, criminal charges, fines or citations that […]

Posted inInside Public Integrity

Kristian Hernández and María Zamudio join Public Integrity as investigative reporters

Kristian Hernández and María Inés Zamudio are joining the Center for Public Integrity as investigative reporters focused on inequality in the United States. For Hernández, who has worked as a state policy reporter based in Texas for Pew Charitable Trusts’ Stateline project the past year and as an investigative reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Black voters cool on Biden

Willie Head is so infuriated with President Joe Biden and other Democrats that he’s considering not voting for the party in future elections.  “I’m here to say for the record, I can’t, I will not vote Democratic again for this kind of results from my Democratic congressional people, and I’m asking everybody of color to […]

Posted inHarm's Way

On the ground: Reporting from the front lines of a climate relocation crisis

As climate change worsens, areas that were once safe become unlivable. Repetitive flooding, wildfires and other hazards are prompting some Americans to move. Millions more are expected to follow suit in the coming decades — if they can get out. Public Integrity stories The latest stories from Public Integrity in the Harm’s Way series can […]

Posted inHarm's Way

Trapped in harm’s way as climate disasters mount

SMITHFIELD, Va. — When flooding from Hurricane Floyd in 1999 destroyed Betty Ricks’ home, she rebuilt. Several years later, she posed proudly for a Christmas photograph beside her daughter and granddaughter in her new living room. Then another flood — brought by Tropical Storm Ernesto in 2006 — claimed her house a second time, leaving […]

Posted inHarm's Way

Atrapados en la zona de peligro: sin ayuda para reubicarse, una catástrofe tras otra

SMITHFIELD, Va. — Cuando las inundaciones provocadas por el huracán Floyd en 1999 destruyeron la casa de Betty Ricks, ella la reconstruyó. Varios años después, posó orgullosa para una fotografía navideña junto a su hija y su nieta en su nueva sala. Luego, otra inundación — provocada por la tormenta tropical Ernesto en 2006 — […]

Posted inHarm's Way

How we found communities in harm’s way

To investigate the impact of climate-driven disasters on communities and whether they’re receiving the assistance they need, we compiled data from federal agencies to assess 1) how many climate-fueled disasters a county had experienced, 2) how much disaster preparedness funding they had received through the Federal Emergency Management Agency and 3) what each county looked […]

Posted inHarm's Way

Floods, hurricanes, wildfires: What aid is your county getting to prepare?

For decades the federal government has known that climate change will force people in the U.S. to relocate. But the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster preparedness spending — which includes money to help with relocation — already falls short of the need, experts say. And it’s not flowing out equitably, according to a year-long analysis […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Hunger, depression and unemployment: Trans adults are struggling

The past two years have been difficult for everyone, but they’ve been particularly rough for transgender households. New data released by the Census Bureau shows that trans adults are reporting startling rates of depression, hunger and unemployment.  In many cases, the situation has worsened for transgender adults over the past year while improving for other […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Flooding could expose toxic soil in city neighborhoods

For decades in Houston, where resident Bryan “Lucas” Parras grew up near the city’s shipping channel, neighborhoods have faced the cumulative impacts of toxic emissions. The area is crammed with industrial facilities, chemical plants and oil refineries. Pollution has become such an ingrained part of life, Parras said, that residents on the city’s East End […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Another threat to 2022 elections: A lack of paper

Each year, the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project asks the Texas Secretary of State for about 25,000 voter registration applications, which it distributes as part of the organization’s efforts to empower Latinos to participate in the democratic process. This year, the organization received a surprising response: There weren’t enough applications to go around. A sweeping […]

Posted inInside Public Integrity

Olivier Kamanda and Sue Suh join Center for Public Integrity board

Olivier Kamanda and Sue Suh, accomplished international leaders in government service, private industry and foundation stewardship, are joining the Center for Public Integrity’s Board of Directors.  Kamanda, a product manager at Google, and Suh, chief people officer at Time, both cited the critical and timely importance of the Pulitzer Prize-winning nonprofit newsroom’s mission of confronting […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Loss of autonomy: how guardianships threaten people’s rights

From Britney Spears to Wendy Williams, financial guardianships and conservatorships have entered the limelight as legal tools with the potential for abuse.  These high-profile cases have led to growing calls for reform. Disability rights organizations also have long advocated for less restrictive alternatives to guardianship for people with disabilities. Guardians, in some states called conservators, […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Juneteenth: A ‘beautiful story’ of liberty

When Melynda Price thinks of Juneteenth, she thinks of hope. She thinks of home. She thinks of heritage. A legal scholar at the University of Kentucky, Price is a fifth-generation Texan whose great-great-grandmother was enslaved in Southeast Texas. President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863 declared more than three million enslaved people living in […]

Posted inHealth parity

Mental Health Parity Collaborative

Updated May 16, 2024 The Mental Health Parity Collaborative is a partnership between The Carter Center’s Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism, The Center for Public Integrity, and news outlets in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. More than 40 reporters and editors from more than 15 news outlets are working […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

When pregnancy loss becomes a crime

With the U.S. Supreme Court likely to overturn Roe v. Wade in the coming months, reproductive rights will be determined by individual states, and the scope goes beyond abortion. For more than a decade, some states have sharply increased criminal investigations of pregnancy loss, including miscarriages, stillbirths and self-induced abortions.  Prosecutions have overwhelmingly targeted pregnant […]

Posted inWatchdog newsletter

Are schools the next target of ‘great replacement theory’ conspiracists?

Next month marks the 40th anniversary of Plyler v. Doe, a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision requiring public schools to educate all children, regardless of their immigration status. But with the high court potentially overturning decades-old precedent in the Roe v. Wade abortion decision, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sees a potential opening to undo Plyler, […]

Posted inHealth

It was the Rubber Capital of the World. The health consequences linger.

Forced to breathe at times through oxygen tubes, the Rev. Kevin Goode nonetheless counts his blessings. Although his lungs are scarred from asbestos exposure and he has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, he’s in better condition than other former employees of rubber factories in Akron, Ohio.  This story also appeared in Belt Magazine Goode, retired pastor […]