Posted inDemocracy, Elections, Issue Ad Watch

Group to spend $10 million against candidates not hawkish on free market

A group of Wall Street investors, media executives and fiscal policy experts have created a new political group that intends to spend $10 million to oust Republican and Democratic members of Congress who don’t favor free-market policies strongly enough. The Club for Growth is conducting a two-pronged campaign. One is regulated by the Federal Election […]

Posted inDemocracy, Elections, Issue Ad Watch

Loophole allows donors to give without leaving a trace

The same day that Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore unveiled his campaign finance reform proposal, an organization with ties to former California Gov. Pete Wilson launched a national attack on Gore by exploiting a tax-law loophole that allows a group to influence elections without having to report its existence to the Federal Election Commission or […]

Posted inNational Security

Pentagon trained troops led by officer accused in Colombian massacre

Pentagon officials, under pressure to investigate alleged links between elite U.S. military trainers and Colombian forces implicated in a 1997 civilian massacre, have confirmed that they trained soldiers commanded by the officer accused of masterminding the attack. With a $1.6 billion counternarcotics aid package for Colombia making its way through the U.S. Congress, there is […]

Posted inDemocracy

$5,000 buys companies access to GOP attorneys general

WASHINGTON, D.C. March 21, 2000 — For as little as $5,000, corporations are buying access to presidential candidate George W. Bush, along with key Bush strategist Karl Rove—not to mention potential protection from billions of dollars in lawsuits. Five thousand dollars is the low end of the suggested $5,000-to-$25,000 price tag for joining the Republican […]

Posted inBuying of the President 2000, Democracy, Elections

Overnight guests at governor’s mansion added $2.2 million to Bush campaign

Sixty of George W. Bush’s overnight guests at the Texas Governor’s Mansion have collectively given and raised more than $2.2 million to further Bush’s political career, an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity shows. At least 15 of Bush’s guests are members of Bush’s elite team of presidential fund-raisers, the $100,000-plus “Pioneers,” according to […]

Posted inDemocracy

Party machines, lobbyists and special interests: Part five

For months, disarray was the hallmark of Vice President Al Gore’s campaign. Last October 6, he moved his campaign to Nashville from Washington and fired most of his top tier of advisers, including his campaign manager, ad man and pollster. One reason for the move was that the campaign was hemorrhaging money on exorbitant salaries […]

Posted inDemocracy

Party machines, lobbyists and special interests: Part four

Throughout his political career, Bill Bradley has defined himself by what he is not. Bradley has contrasted his style with that of Washington politics-as-usual, portraying himself as a political free-thinker. The former New Jersey senator says he is not beholden to anyone when it comes to making policy. Still, the Center for Public Integrity found […]

Posted inDemocracy

Party machines, lobbyists and special interests: Part two

Pat Buchanan’s switch to the Reform Party on Oct. 25, 1999, was a dramatic change in the fiery commentators political life. A lifelong conservative Republican who had served in both the Nixon and Reagan White Houses, Buchanan was a stalwart of the GOP’s social conservative movement and a legitimate, albeit fringe, contender for the Republican […]

Posted inAccountability

The risks of U.S. aid

Members of the U.S. Congress are concerned that military aid to Colombia could be used to violate human rights, and they cite a recent incident as a case in point. Senator Patrick Leahy, author of an amendment that bans the United States from providing aid to human rights violators, has obtained information that Colombian Col. […]

Posted inAccountability

Candidates’ positions on Rwanda genocide: Should U.S. intervene?

Steve Bradshaw and Mike Robinson won the 1999 International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ Award for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting for a BBC documentary exposing deliberate international inaction to stop the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The question of U.S. intervention in Rwanda-like situations has become an issue in the United States presidential race. In March 1998, […]

Posted inBuying of the President 2000, Democracy, Elections

McCain tax bill would save corporate contributors millions

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has talked at length about tax cuts that would benefit lower- and middle-income taxpayers. He has also said that most of those cuts would be financed by closing loopholes in the tax code that are enjoyed by those corporations flooding Washington with campaign contributions. What the Arizona senator doesn’t talk […]

Posted inAccountability

Sri Lanka’s endless war

COLOMBA, Sri Lanka, January 12, 2000 — This article was originally published in the January 12 edition of Jane’s Defence Weekly. It is reproduced with permission from Jane’s Information Group. Sri Lanka’s 17-year civil war is intensifying again. Now, the U.S. government is getting involved. As the new millennium dawned in Sri Lanka, the 17-year […]

Posted inDemocracy

How the Gores, father and son, helped their patron Occidental Petroleum

On Sept. 7, 1995, Vice President Albert Gore Jr., stood on the White House lawn and talked in sweeping terms about ending the era of big government. He touted a list of recommendations formulated by the National Performance Review, an initiative Gore directed that he claimed streamlined the federal bureaucracy, cut unnecessary waste and helped […]

Posted inBuying of the President 2000, Democracy, Elections

Bradley was driving force behind biggest tax giveaway

January 6, 2000 — Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley laid out his plans for tax reform on Jan. 4, attacking corporate tax shelters and special interest provisions. Bradley is certainly an expert on the subject; in 1986, he was the driving force behind the biggest tax giveaway to special interests ever. Bradley, who trumpets himself […]

Posted inBuying of the President 2000, Democracy, Elections

The Buying of the President 2000

WASHINGTON, D.C. January 5, 2000 — Each of the leading presidential candidates for the 2000 election has done public- policy favors for his campaign contributors, according to a new Center for Public Integrity book, The Buying of the President 2000 (Avon). Every major White House contender who has held past elective office has “career patrons,” […]

Posted inDemocracy

Commentary: Campaign checklist

WASHINGTON, January 4, 2000 — The peaceful transfer of power is a majestic moment in any democracy, but it is particularly poignant for the most powerful nation on earth. Indeed, through wars and depressions, assassinations and scandals, for more than two centuries the United States of America unflinchingly has chosen its national leader every four […]

Posted inElections

FBI tracked alleged Russian mob ties of Giuliani campaign supporter

WASHINGTON — A prominent commodities trader who acknowledges a business history with a reputed Soviet Bloc crime figure and a notorious arms dealer has been one of New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s top campaign supporters. Commodities trader Semyon (Sam) Kislin and his family also lavished thousands of dollars in contributions to Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer, to […]