Posted inAccountability

The disinformation campaign

The way wars are reported in the western media follows a depressingly predictable pattern: stage one, the crisis; stage two, the demonisation of the enemy’s leader; stage three, the demonisation of the enemy as individuals; and stage four, atrocities. At the moment we are at stages two and three: efforts to show that not only […]

Posted inNational Security

Arrested Italian cell sheds light on Bin Laden’s European network

On a cold winter night last January, on the outskirts of Milan, Italian anti-terrorist police intercepted a frantic call between two suspected Osama Bin Laden operatives. “They have arrested our brothers … half of the group,” the caller said. “They have found the arms warehouse in Germany.” That call, monitored in a cell phone wiretap, […]

Posted inNational Security

Authorities question criteria for access to flight simulators

Congress and the executive branch are reviewing the largely unregulated access to the nations 527 licensed flight simulators, and to the unknown number sold abroad, in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. High-end simulators are million-dollar “virtual reality” machines that recreate the sights, sounds and sensations of the cockpit, with the knobs and […]

Posted inAccountability

Will truth again be first casualty?

Methodology Research for this Center report has included examining dozens of books and articles by military officers and civilian Pentagon officials that discuss the relationship between the Defense Department and the press; analyzing thousands of pages of U.S. military documents; reviewing dozens of U.S. and British legal documents; reviewing hundreds of articles by journalists, academics […]

Posted inNational Security

U.S. biological weapons lab locked down, 50 miles from Pentagon

In ’93, biological defense program was misguided, poorly managed By Seth Shulman October 29, 2001 Fort Detrick conducts research to defend the United States against some of the most deadly biological agents in the world. Special protection of the facility is emblematic of the longtime major concern by intelligence officials that biological weapons are potentially […]

Posted inBroadband, Inequality, Well Connected

New FCC chairman had big telephone player as a major client

As the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Michael K. Powell can draw on his experience as an FCC commissioner in trying to navigate the arcane world of telecommunications policy and the closely knit group of high-powered, multibillion dollar companies that dominate the industry. Powell has had the opportunity to witness and regulate some […]

Posted inBroadband, Inequality, Well Connected

Telecom chief could face conflict issues

A key Commerce Department official could face frequent conflict-of-interest issues because her office controls high-tech policies that affect a number of telecommunication and wireless firms for which she and her husband have worked. As the new assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information, Nancy J. Victory also serves as chief of the Commerce Department’s […]

Posted inHealth

Issue divides Bush advisers

Capitol Hill stem-cell backers received health industry dollars By M. Asif Ismail and Christine Morente August 30, 2001 Within the Bush administration, two senior aides, chief strategist Karl Rove and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, were reportedly at odds over whether the government should finance embryonic stem cell research. Thompson was the strongest […]

Posted inHealth

Capitol Hill stem-cell backers received health industry dollars

Issue divides Bush advisers By M. Asif Ismail August 30, 2001 U.S. representatives and senators who strongly pushed for federally subsidized embryonic stem cell research have received more than $4 million in contributions from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, which stand to benefit from that research, according to a Public i review of campaign donations […]

Posted inBroadband, Inequality, Well Connected

Internet voting project cost Pentagon $73,809 per vote

A pilot Internet voting project to encourage voter participation by Americans abroad cost the Pentagon $6.2 million and received high marks from its director, although it delivered only 84 votes in the November election and failed to address a key security concern, the Center for Public Integrity has learned. Details about the two-and-a-half-year project come […]

Posted inAccountability

When criticism becomes a crime

BUENOS AIRES — Imagine you’ve just broken a story about how the president’s cronies, including members of the Supreme Court, made a mint when the government sold off state companies. You feel pretty good, right? But instead of getting a Pulitzer, you are indicted for “insulting” a Supreme Court justice. During the trial against you, […]

Posted inNational Security

CIA gave at least $10 million to Peru’s ex-spymaster Montesinos

The Central Intelligence Agency gave ex-Peruvian spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos at least $10 million in cash over the last decade, as well as high-tech surveillance equipment that he used against his political opponents, the Center for Public Integrity has learned. Montesinos, who now faces trial on murder, arms and drug trafficking charges, among others, had founded […]

Posted inAccountability

Last bastion of free press

MOSCOW — Surprise, surprise. I landed in Washington in the last week of June just in time to learn that Gazprom-Media boss Alfred Kokh was also in town, doing some more image-polishing. My first thought upon hearing this was: “That’s the end of Ekho Moskvy. He’s here to do damage control in view of the […]

Posted inAccountability

Reporters without boundaries

MELBOURNE, Australia — Most of the reporting we do, even the in-depth investigative projects, stretches only as far as our borders. But the real world isn’t like that. Corporations and crooks electronically shift billions of dollars around the globe in seconds, drug smuggling is an international business, and issues like global warming, sex slavery, economic […]

Posted inAccountability

Commentary: World’s journalists should collaborate in age of globalization

Thank you. It is a great pleasure to be here. Congratulations to Brant Houston of Investigative Reporters and Editors and all of the individuals and organizations in Denmark and Europe responsible for this terrific conference. It is my honor to speak to you about “Globalization and the Challenge to Investigative Reporting.” Somehow I will try […]

Posted inDemocracy

Bush’s carbon dioxide flip-flop came through staffer who had lobbied for car-exhaust

President Bush’s decision to abandon his campaign pledge to limit carbon dioxide emissions was routed through a key Bush aide who had lobbied for one of the world’s largest manufacturers of automobile exhaust systems. The Bush aide, Nicholas Calio, served as a paid lobbyist and worked extensively from 1996 through 1997 for Tenneco Automotive, based […]

Posted inAccountability

Marc Rich inquiry highlights strange bedfellows

Buried in the furor over former President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich is the role the fugitive commodities trader played in supplying oil to South Africa’s apartheid government, in violation of international sanctions against the racist regime. Ironically, two leading congressional inquisitors into Clinton’s last-minute pardon Jan. 20 — Republicans Representative Dan Burton of Indiana […]